PinPoint Marketing and Advertising Edmonton

To get AFD maximum exposure in British Columbia for their home heating services, we launched a two-part direct mail campaign. The first part of the campaign, a postcard, was delivered to heavily-populated areas in B.C. with an attractive promotion as the call to action. Recipients could sign up for automatic furnace oil delivery or call for delivery savings. A discount coupon was also included at the bottom.
The second part of AFD’s direct mail campaign in British Columbia was a door hanger delivered to smaller cities and customers in areas near AFD locations and cardlocks. The door hanger’s look and feel was consistent with the postcard and offered the same furnace oil delivery promotion and discount coupon.
We bolstered AFD’s home heating campaign by using advertisements in publications. We placed a full-page ad in the Times Colonist, a publication based in Victoria, B.C. The ad also ran in many other cities across western Canada. We strategically decided to place the ad in the Times Colonist due to the large number of AFD offices and cardlock locations within the publication’s distribution area.
Focusing on the savings customers would receive by using AFD’s home heating services, the ad targeted audiences by using the AFD “family” image and encouraged brand recognition through use of identity elements (logo, colours, “swoosh” graphic).
The Black Press, a community newspaper distributed across Alberta, British Columbia and the western United States, was a perfect fit for an AFD home heating services advertisement. The Black Press reaches a target audience that is familiar with AFD’s services because they are close by AFD locations and cardlocks.
This quarter-page ad used the same promotion and focus as the direct mailer campaign and featured an image from the same AFD “family” photo set as the Times Colonist ad.